Gottlieb Danielzik

[Here rests in God]

[Our Father]

Gottlieb Danielzik




Copyright: Marta Akincza

The grave of Gottlieb Danielzik is located opposite the former gate, almost at the back of the cemetery. The border is made of concrete, the gravestone is well preserved. There are numerous lilies of the valley growing on and around the grave.

Gottlieb Danielzik was a cottager [1] in Königstal. He owned a house with yard space and a stable with a barn.[2] Otherwise little is known about his life. He was probably married to Auguste, née Pissowotzki, widowed Christofzik. From her first marriage, Auguste already had two daughters: Ida Pallusek and Amalie Sallach.[3]

Before his death, Gottlieb Danielzik had a usufructuary right on the farm of the Buynowski family in Königstal. This means that he was allowed to live there for life and use the property for himself.[4] Probably it had belonged to him earlier and the usufruct right was granted to him when it was sold. On the property there was a house made of wood with a stone foundation and a barn with an attached stable. The small dwelling house had a basement, three rooms and an attic. On December 11, 1941, Gottlieb Danielzik died of old age in the district hospital in Johannisburg.[5] The identity of the children who selected his gravestone is no longer known. After the war, no member of the family applied for indemnity for their former property (Lastenausgleich): they probably no longer owned any land. However, Gustav and Erich Danielzik – possibly relatives of Gottlieb – appeared as witnesses for other applications.[6]


[1] Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch Online, Entry Kater/Kötter: <> last accessed 27.05.2021).

[2] Grundakten des Amtsgerichts Johannisburg, Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie (APO) 295/4403, Gebäudesteuerrolle Königstal, no page given and Gebäudesteuerrollenanhang year´s issues 1905, no page given.

[3] APO 295/2011, sheet 17.

[4] Lastenausgleichsakten Walter Buynowski, Bundesarchiv Lastenausgleichsarchiv (BA LAA), ZLA 1/4707897.

[5] Sterbeverzeichniss [sic], Standesamt zu Gehsen, APO 42/1745/1, <>, (last accessed on 27.02.2021), sheet 542f.

[6] For example Lastenausgleichsakten Martha Ulonska, BA LAA 15.109.024, Lastenausgleichsakten August Smentek, BA LAA ZLA 1/14566158 and Lastenausgleichsakten Gottlieb Sadek, BA LAA ZLA 1/9703160.